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4 Surprising Advantages of Robotic Surgery

4 Surprising Advantages of Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery blends unparalleled accuracy with human experience. Using robotic arms and instruments, surgeons perform minimally invasive procedures aided by computer technology, and it’s quickly becoming the go-to method for surgeons around the globe.

Elvira Klause, MD, FACS, specializes in robotic surgery in San Clemente, California. She and our team bring the latest in surgical technology to our patients to give them their best possible outcomes.

While no one relishes the thought of having surgery, robotic technology offers a handful of surprising advantages over traditional surgery. So if you need surgery, here’s what you need to know.

Fewer risks

Surgery is a major medical procedure, and all surgeries come with risks. But robotic surgery offers fewer risks than traditional surgery for most people.

In open surgery, the surgeon makes a large incision in your skin to perform the procedure. Larger incisions increase your risk of complications like blood loss, infection, and pain during recovery.

Robotic surgery uses incisions the size of a buttonhole. Smaller incisions are less disruptive to healthy tissue. This method lowers your risk of blood loss and infection, reduces your need for blood transfusions, and contributes to less pain during healing.

Better results

Robotic surgery combines extreme precision with your surgeon’s expertise to deliver better, more reliable results than traditional methods. During surgery, Dr. Klause uses a console in the operating room to guide robotic arms that hold surgical instruments, performing incredibly detailed movements.

She achieves a level of accuracy that’s not possible with human hands alone — particularly in small, hard-to-reach areas of the body. From routine procedures like hernia repair to complex cancer treatments, robotic surgery often offers better results for our patients.

Less pain (and less scarring)

Less trauma during surgery often means less pain during recovery. And the small incisions robotic surgery requires mean smaller, less noticeable scars once you’ve healed.

While every patient is different, many people find they can return to their everyday activities in about 2-3 weeks after robotic surgery. Experiencing less pain also reduces your need for painkillers during recovery, which lowers your risk of dependence.

Shorter hospital stays

Since robotic surgery is minimally invasive, your body recovers faster than it would following traditional open surgery. Small incisions and a lower risk of complications mean that you don’t have to stay in the hospital as long — or in some cases, at all.

Dr. Klause performs a variety of minimally invasive procedures on an outpatient basis, which means you may be able to go home the same day. Even for more advanced surgeries, you can expect to go home within a few days after a robotic procedure.

If you know you need surgery, robotic technology could offer better results and faster recovery times. Talk to Dr. Klause to learn more about your treatment options. Request a robotic surgery consultation online or call our office at 949-393-2595.

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