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General Surgery and COVID-19: What You Should Know

Needing surgery — whether it’s to repair a hernia, remove cancer, or something else — is enough to make anyone nervous. But increased sensitivity around health and safety brought on by COVID-19 has left many patients wondering if it’s safe to have surgery as scheduled.  

As a general surgeon with more than 15 years of experience, Elvira Klause, MD, FACS, regularly performs surgeries to improve health and save lives. But it’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe has changed every aspect of health care, including general surgery.

Today, we’re taking a closer look at how COVID-19 has affected general surgery. Find out here if you should consider postponing your procedure, and what to do if you can’t. 

Undergoing surgery during the coronavirus pandemic

Surgical centers in southern Orange County are currently open for elective surgery, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for the pandemic. Our team is here to help you determine whether undergoing your surgery as scheduled or choosing to postpone is best for your health. 

Some surgeries that Dr. Klause may recommend postponing include aesthetic dermatological procedures, minor hernia repairs, or hemorrhoid procedures. Talk to our team about your options for postponing your procedure, and ask if there are steps you can take to manage your condition at home until risks of COVID-19 have decreased. 

On the other hand, some surgical procedures shouldn’t be postponed. Procedures that may be essential for your well-being include breast surgery to remove cancer or other oncology procedures

If your surgery can’t be postponed without posing a risk to your health, Dr. Klause works with you to ensure you get the care you need safely.

How to prepare for your procedure

Our team is operating under the CDC’s recommended guidelines, and we strive to maintain social distancing and strict hygienic standards in the office. But your health is unique to you, so ask our team if you’re unsure whether your surgery should be rescheduled. 

Share your complete medical history with our team. Preliminary research shows that people at greatest risk for developing severe complications related to COVID-19 are 65 or older and/or have underlying health conditions.

Let our team know if you have a history of:

Dr. Klause and our surgical team prioritize your safety. After reviewing your risk factors, we help you decide if it’s safe to proceed with your surgery. We give you instructions for preparing for your procedure, as well as tips for protecting your health during recovery.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact our San Clemente, California, office if you have questions about your health care. 

We’re offering telehealth appointments for new and existing patients to help you stay as healthy as possible during this time. With telehealth, you don’t have to visit the office for medical care or medication management. You can get the care you need from the comfort of your home.

Wondering if your surgery should be postponed due to COVID-19? Call us at 949-393-2595, send us a message, or book an appointment online to learn more.

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